Iowa Specialty Hospital

Financial Options

Iowa Specialty Hospital is committed to working with you to pay your balance. However, the assistance we can offer you will depend on whether you are a Self Pay or Insured Patient. Please read the descriptions below to decide which route you will be taking. This will allow you to discover what payment options we have available to you.

Self Pay Patients (No Insurance)

Patients whose services will not be filed with insurance are known as "Self Pay" individuals. Please refer to our Self Pay policy.  Self Pay Policy

Payment Options for Self Pay Patients 

Insured Patients

If all or a portion of your bill will be covered by an insurance carrier, you are considered an Insured Patient. Iowa Specialty Hospital will bill your health insurance carriers provided you submit all of the necessary information. It is also your responsibility to be aware of any exclusions, benefits, co-payments and deductions outlined in your insurance plan. Co-pays are due during Registration at each clinic visit.

You are responsible for any portion of your charges remaining unpaid by your insurance and must remit payment within 30 days of receiving your statement. If you wish to read more about the payment options available if you are a Insured Individual, please utilize the button below.

Payment Options for Insured Patients 

Financial Assistance

Iowa Specialty Hospital services are available to all patients for emergency, non-emergency & non-elective procedures regardless of Financial Assistance Eligibility.  Financial Assistance is available to all Iowa Specialty Hospital patients.  The Financial Assistance Program covers emergency and medically necessary services provided at Iowa Specialty Hospital. No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay; and there is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income.

All patients without regard to race, color, sex, age, disability, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or political belief are eligible for Financial Assistance. Services covered include Inpatient, Outpatient, and Clinic.  This policy covers all providers that provide services in the emergency room.  Financial Assistance does not cover elective surgical procedures, DME services or services that are not billed by Iowa Specialty Hospital. 

Financial Assistance may be applied for at the time of admission, before discharge or up to two hundred and forty (240) days after discharge.  If Iowa Specialty Hospital has determined that you are eligible for Financial Assistance the amount generally billed or “AGB” will be calculated and set equal to the then current Medicare rates for the services or procedures performed.

Financial Assistance can be applied for by contacting the business office at Iowa Specialty Hospital or by filling out the online application.  The following links will take you to the application and full policy for Financial Assistance.

Financial Assistance Application                                                       Financial Assistance Policy

If you are having difficulty filling out the application or wondering if you are eligible please contact the business office at (515) 532-9300.

Asistencia Financiera 


Servicios de Iowa Specialty Hospital están disponibles a todos los pacientes para emergencias, no emergencias y procedimientos no programados independientes a la elegibilidad de Asistencia Financiera. Asistencia financiera está disponible para todos los pacientes de Iowa Specialty Hospital después. El programa de asistencia financiera cubre emergencias y servicios medicamente necesarios provisto en Iowa Specialty Hospital. A nadie se le negará el acceso a los servicios por no poder pagar; y hay un programa de tarifas variables/con descuento disponible según el tamaño de la familia y los ingresos.

Todos los pacientes sin consideración de raza, color, sexo, edad, discapacidad, credo, religión, origen nacional, orientación sexual, identidad de género o creencias políticas son elegibles para Asistencia Financiera. Los servicios cubiertos incluyen Pacientes Internados, Ambulatorios y Clínica. Esta política cubre todos los proveedores que proveen servicios por el departamento de emergencia. Asistencia Financiera no cubre procedimientos quirúrgicos electivos, servicios de DME (equipo médico duradero) u servicios no facturados por el Iowa Specialty Hospital. 

Puede solicitar Asistencia Financiera al momento de ser internado, antes de dado de alta u dos cientos y cuarenta (240) días después de dado de alta. Si Iowa Specialty Hospital ha determinado que es elegible para Asistencia Financiera la cantidad generalmente facturada (“AGB” en sus siglas en inglés) serán calculadas y hacer fijo e igual a las tasas corrientes de Medicare para los servicios u procedimientos completados.

Puede solicitar Asistencia Financiera poniéndose en contacto con la Oficina Financiera en el Iowa Specialty Hospital u completar la solicitud en la línea. Los siguientes enlaces le llevarán a la aplicación y la política completa de Asistencia Financiera: 

Solicitud de Asistencia Financiera                                                Política de Asistencia Financiera

Si tiene dificulta llenando la solicitud u preguntarse si esta elegible, favor de comunicarse con la oficina financiera en el (515) 532-9300. 

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