Iowa Specialty Hospital

Patient Policies

Iowa Specialty Hospital has a few patient policies of which we want to make you aware.

Patient Rights & Responsibilities - English

Patient Rights & Responsibilities - Spanish

Patient Privacy Practices - English

Patient Privacy Practices - Spanish

Nondiscrimination Notice

HRSA Promise Policy

SMS Terms and Conditions

Fraud, Waste & Abuse


Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics has a Compliance, Ethics, and Fraud Hotline. This is a confidential line that allows patients to leave a tip or complaint. Please feel free to call anonymously or to provide your name and phone number so we may return your call to address your suggestion or complaint.

For Iowa Specialty Hospital - Belmond, please call 641-444-5552.

For Iowa Specialty Hospital - Clarion, please call 515-532-9345.



The Office of the Inspector General Hotline Operations also accepts tips and complaints from all sources about potential fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in the US Department of Health and Human Services' programs. Please click on the button below to be forwarded to their website.

© 2025 Iowa Specialty Hospital. All rights reserved.