Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

September 23, 2024

ISH employees and friends at HyVee raceYesterday was the culmination (first goal achieved) of the Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics’ Back of Pack runners club.  We participated in the HyVee 5/10K/half marathon run/walk in downtown Des Moines.  It was a gorgeous day, and we had a good turnout of employees, family members, and friends of Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics community.  Mary Goemaat said, “I’m now a runner!” - this is so awesome.  We are only constrained by what our heads tell us … our hearts and bodies have different opinions.  We all can do so much.  (Next time - we’ll double our number!)

I went to a thing yesterday afternoon after the run to watch an Ames, Iowa, ukulele band.  My fellow uke player and friend Sara and I took notes and asked questions.  We could be constrained by our lack of experience, knowledge, and abilities … but our hearts want us to be the best band possible - so we will be.  There’s no room for doubt in this equation.  (We draw the line at choreography - they had dance moves.  We’re not doing that.)

I’m done with the “I wish I could do …” statements.  And I want you to be as well.  Life offers so many opportunities and possibilities to do whatever we want.  My story that I tell all the time (all the time) about the evolution of Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics is that we simply said “yes” a lot.  We didn’t go out strategically and actively recruiting all of these various, amazing services and people … we merely created an environment that was friendly and open to change.  Being nice and saying “yes” opens a lot of doors.

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