Notes from Steve
While biking, I got stung by a bee on the Neal Smith Trail in Des Moines. Could have been a wasp - it flew right under my sunglasses and stung me. Even though I completely freaked out - I didn’t crash. Yes, it hurt very bad. Since I didn’t puff up right away, my discussion of my constant pain went unnoticed by my friends. Sigh. (It’s puffing up now, and I’m letting everyone know that I wasn’t in a fight; it was a bug … not that I’m the type of guy who typically gets punched in the face.*)
A lot of times, if we don’t outwardly display pain and suffering, our injuries go unnoticed. I’m thinking about the times I wonder if people who park in handicapped parking spots really need to … or all those who suffer with mental health issues and whether or not they truly have a disability. However, I don’t see outwardly their pain. I don’t walk in their shoes - I don’t know their stories.
My ongoing and continuing stretch goal for myself throughout the years is to apply grace at all times. I need to realize and appreciate that I only know a very small part of people’s stories, and regardless of what I see with the naked eye - there is so much more. It’s human nature to judge one another. When your face is completely swollen - people show concern. When you hurt on the inside, not so much.
I need to remember this. Thank you, wasp.
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