Notes from Steve
Be inspired.
Inspiration is an elusive animal. It’s sometimes hard to find and often hard to describe. For me - it’s sometimes hard to paint the picture of the vision in my brain to others. I know what I want, but first to explain my ideas and then to get all parties to work together takes coordination, grace, and a lot of patience.
If I have to spend a lot of time and effort trying to explain, more often than not, I’ll just get tired and drop it. This is where patience comes in; of which I have less and less of as I age. I remember my dad in the face of controversy or even making a decision - he’d just be quiet because it was easier. He used to frustrate mom to no end, but I get it completely. Explaining is exhausting.
However, silence is not the answer. Inspiration with action equals movement forward, and without movement forward … we stay in place or go back, and that’s not good.
Find what inspires you. Get excited about it, and do something about it. If you don’t - it probably won’t happen. And if you tried and it still doesn’t work, no big whoop - at least you tried.