Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

November 6, 2023

Be sincere …*

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. We have been looking at our mission, vision, values, and culture in strategic planning as of late. One of the words that sticks out to me is “benchmark” in our vision statement. The reason it’s sticking out is the question I ask myself, “Do we want others to follow our lead and do exactly what we do, or are we special and noteworthy in our own way and do we really want mini-mes (mini-ishs) out there??”. I say, not really.  

If we as a society have everyone copying each other -- well, that’s boring. Unique and different and creative makes for success. If every town had an Eiffel Tower or Niagara Falls - neither would be special or noteworthy. 

If you want to imitate us, and be genuine and sincere in that quest -- then be creative and innovative. Be massively nice and successful … have high engagement, and do things for the right reasons … 

If other hospitals and health systems want to benchmark our culture -- then that would be awesome. “Make the world a better place by being nice”? Go for it.

*Wholeheartedly and genuine  

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