Notes from Steve
Be jubilant.
One of my favorite songs is Cecelia by Simon & Garfunkel. The second verse starts with “jubilation, she loves me again, I fall on the floor and I'm laughing.”* I can honestly say that I have never experienced jubilation to the point of falling. Perhaps easing into a chair grinning, but falling and laughing … no.
So, I looked up “jubilant” - “expressing great joy and/or happiness.” In my life, that’s not an everyday thing. I think if I’m jubilant a couple of times a year - that’s success for me. Lately for a lot of us, life feels like a rollercoaster - great joys and sadness. In the end though - rollercoasters even out - the highs cancel out the lows.
My dad used to tell me that there’s nothing wrong with a comfortable rut. I used to think, “What? A comfortable rut - that doesn’t sound great”. But - there’s comfort in routine. If “normal” life is broken up with times of jubilation and laughter (because there will be dips in our rollercoasters as well) … then life is good. Plan your jubilation.
*Ok, this gal Cecelia better be worth it. Because if I’m falling on the floor laughing? I’m probably breaking my hip.
**This past Sunday was the Bras for the Cause ride in Des Moines. A definite high point on my rollercoaster. Lots of laughter for a great cause.