Notes from Steve
Be Kind.
Ok, I’ve been waiting all year for “be kind”. A kind person brings warmth to a room. A kind person is compassionate and caring, even when faced with anger and adversity. I think if I was going to get another tattoo it’d be “be kind” … because I need to remind myself of this all the time. For some reason - my rage (as of late) needs to be quelled. I blame Covid.
“Letting people be wrong about you or a situation while keeping your peace and focus is the most misunderstood power move you will ever make.” (Morgan Richard Olivier)
I think the thing I’m missing is that being kind gives you a heads up on your competition. My coach would always say “rise above the emotion” and when I started practicing it … being kind when the angry or emotional person wants a reaction is gold.* The angry person is confused because they want a fight, and you want to just be nice. WIN!
If the worst thing someone can say is that you’re too happy and nice … that’s a losing argument. In the most recent world series of little league - the Japanese team stayed for three extra days after they lost, so they could congratulate the winners. That’s uber kind - I don’t know who won, but I know the story about the kind Japanese team.
Being kind is a superpower.