Iowa Specialty Hospital

Notes from Steve

August 19, 2024

Late summer musings.

I had the most boring Sunday on record.  For me to not do anything is really hard, but I feel I need to force boredom sometimes to reboot my system.  My dad used to tell me that when he’d drive over from Sioux City to Clarion to visit, he’d pull over and take a quick nap next to a lake over by Pocahontas.  Yep, I get that … revitalizing the spirit.  Sometimes, less is more.

A friend was talking about playing music and said, “Wouldn’t it be great to play and practice every night?”.  My answer is no.  My fingers need a break.  However, the great thing with playing music is that it invigorates and energizes my soul.  I do feel great after playing … but every night would literally kill me. Plus, I think I would end up hating it.  When I had a band back in the eighties, playing music was work and because I had to, not because I wanted to … the fun was sucked out of performing.* And**

My glasses that were lost and then found on RAGBRAI; people said (after I lost them) they were my Harry Potter glasses, and it’s not so bad that they were gone.  Now they are back, and I am reluctant to wear them.  I feel that I look like a 59-year-old wizard.  (Sigh)  

Autumn is my renewal season.  Revitalization.  New look, new sounds (I’m learning the accordion), new directions.  It never hurts to shake things up.

*It’s like Ruffles and onion dip.  If I had them for every meal, I’d hate them. But now I just have them for very special occasions, and they are still my “if I was stuck on an island and could only have one food forever” food.
**And it’s also like going to a concert because you really liked the band’s greatest hit.  They play that one song all the time, and they are sick to death of playing “Margaritaville”; I guarantee you.  

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