This is my first article of the new year, and so naturally, my mind goes to resolutions and how to make 2024 the best year ever. THE BEST EVER. (That’s a very tall order, but entirely possible.)
Our theme at Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics this year is “A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.” This is a macroeconomic phrase that essentially means everyone does better when the group as a whole does well.* My friend Craig and I were having this discussion the other day about who you hang out with helps to determine your behavior. If super-healthy athletes are your close friends – you’re more likely to be healthy. Degenerate, messy people who don’t make their beds are your best friends? … good luck.
There is this concept of blue zone communities that are populated by happy and healthy people who defy the odds and have long life expectancy. The community thrives on diet and activity and friendships. The focus is diverse in the different communities – but essentially, each community’s mojo is a blend of diet/attitude and some sort of exercise. Bingo – their rising tide.
Our best year will be about lifting everyone up. It’ll be about relationships and a healthy life focus. FYI – “the best ever” doesn’t come without work. Buckle up, kiddos.
*So, if you suck at life – hang around winners.