Amy's Reflections
Be Memorable
The theme for this week is to be memorable. As parents, we hope that we are leaving a lot of warm memories with our kids from their childhood. One of our favorite things to do as a family is to road trip to a different state and explore whatever we find along the way. Some of my kids’ favorite memories from those trips are random places we stopped along the way. Some were just for fun - like Iowa’s largest frying pan in Brandon, Iowa. Some we joke about, as they were not as fascinating as we hoped - like the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota. Some are truly memorable - like Ruby Falls in Chattanooga, Tennessee. At the end of the day, it is about the time spent together and the memories made.
In our daily work, we have the ability to make memorable moments for patients, often without even knowing we are doing so. I had the great privilege of working with Linda Loux before she retired, and she will forever be remembered for how she connected with her patients and the impact she made in their lives. I was fortunate to be able to attend Linda’s funeral this past week and remember her and the difference she made. The legacy she left with her passing was one of caring, compassion, love, and determination. May we all leave that kind of an imprint on this world. This week, I challenge you to embrace the moments that are memorable and make them part of your legacy.