Amy's Reflections
Be Accessible
One of my favorite quotes from John C. Maxwell is, “Leadership is more art than science. The principles of leadership are constant, but the application changes with every leader and every situation.” One of the things I have always strived to exhibit in any position I have ever held is accessibility. I have always felt strongly that being available to anyone who may need assistance is one of the best ways to support and mentor others. Sometimes this comes in the form of a listening ear, sometimes it is a shoulder to cry on, and sometimes it is pep talk to move someone out of their self-inflicted pity party. Like in the quote, the principle of support is the same, but the application may be different depending on what the need is for that person.
Accessibility is the cornerstone of what Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics represent. Whether it be from standards of behavior to the care we provide our patients, we are always focused on being accessible and supporting our patients in their healthcare journey. Much of our focus over the last 20 years has been centered around not just meeting the needs of our patients, but also providing the services they need at the times that they need them. My challenge to you this week is to think of all the ways that you are “accessible” in your daily lives and take the time to appreciate the connections you are making by being accessible. Thank you for the difference you make for our patients and our teams every day!