Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

November 6, 2023

Be Sincere

One of the things I have been working with Maleigha on lately is owning her decisions and taking responsibility for the consequences. She had fallen behind in a class and tried to pretend to both myself and the teacher that she was caught up. We had a discussion on being sincere and apologizing to the teacher and asking for assistance. She will be digging her way out of the hole in this class for a while, but she has managed to get back on track and communicate effectively with her teacher. 

Sincerity is one way for us to show honesty, integrity, and genuineness. These are qualities that allow us to connect with one another and build trust and teamwork. This is probably more important in the healthcare field than most other professions as patients rely on us to provide them with the best information and guidance in their healthcare journey. Thankfully at Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics, we live this in our values every day and pledge to it annually in our standards of behavior. Furthermore, our patients notice it when they walk through our doors as you can feel it as part of our culture. This week, I challenge you to think about an interaction with a co-worker or a patient where being sincere really helped the situation. Have a great week!

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