Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

November 20, 2023

Be Unbreakable

When I think about the word for this week, I think about the strong female role models in my life and the lessons they taught me. The first one is my mom. My dad passed away when I was nine years old, and although it was a terrible time, the thing I remember the most vividly is my mom getting up every day and tackling life. I am sure there were nights she cried herself to sleep, but what she taught us through her behavior is that you never give up and you keep moving forward. At nine, she was unbreakable. The second one is my mother-in-law. If you have ever met her, you would never know that she has endured the pain of losing two small children in a house fire. She not only survived losing both of her children when they were under two, she went on to have two more children and celebrate 50+ years of marriage with the love of her life. She is an inspiration to me when I am struggling. She has shown me time and time again what strength and faith look like. 

I believe Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics exemplifies the same thing. We have been through a lot over the years, and we have managed to navigate each storm with an unbreakable spirit. When we stay focused on our patients and providing care that we would want for our families, we will continue to be successful. Each one of you show your unbreakable spirit in many different ways each day. As we head into Thanksgiving this week, please know that I am thankful for the opportunity to take care of our communities with such an amazing group of people. 

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