Amy's Reflections
I think everyone I have talked to recently is over the lovely weather we have been having. I completely understand and have decided to reset myself, as that is the only thing I can control. So, I have decided that I am going to call this Joyful January and reset my mind to look at all the good things that are going on around me. The sign in my office says, "It is amazing when you stop and look around; this life is pretty amazing." I couldn't agree more.
Along those same lines, how do we look at January for Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics and find the joy? The Medicaid direct payment monies are supposed to start arriving in January. This funding is significant as it will provide additional funds for our system that will allow us to continue to invest in our facilities and our staff. Press Ganey recognized us for our inpatient and HCAHPS at both hospitals with the Guardian of Excellence Awards. Many truly amazing things are happening around us if we take the time to look for them. So, my challenge this week is to think about what brings you joy, and do more of it. Happy Joyful January to you all!