Amy's Reflections
“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Hopefully, everyone saw the announcement for the theme for 2024 ~ “A rising tide lifts all boats”! Interestingly, I use boat metaphors at home more than I think. Most recently, in a conversation with Maleigha on her goals for this next year with her horses. I shared that as she was trying to do all the fun shows and programs at the farm and pursue more serious horse shows, she had her feet in two different boats. She needed to pick where she would focus her time and attention, or neither boat would be going anywhere.
Over the years, we have had a lot of different themes that add fun to the year, but this year, the theme may be the most fitting one yet. We have weathered a lot over the past several years, and we have learned how to navigate our way through different storms that come our way. One of the things that I appreciate the most in working in this system is the ability of our teams to pull together and find the best path forward. We lift each other up when we need to, and together, we find a way to succeed. As we head into a new year, my wish for you is smooth sailing.