A Message from the CEO - August 2023
Supposedly, July was the hottest July ever recorded. I was on RAGBRAI with 50,000 of my closest friends, and I could believe it for sure. Boy oh boy - it was hot (and hilly and humid and long). I know around the nation - record heats are being recorded, but Arizona at 120 degrees is a dry heat, not 90% humidity and that makes all the difference. (I tell people that I am usually just on “this side of a puddle” and with the humidity - I am in danger of melting.) How does life change when we are in a climate crisis? When it’s so hot - it’s dangerous to be outside? Or even so cold - it’s dangerous to be outside? Extremes for whatever reason, are happening more often.
I was filling out a survey the other day, and one of the questions was “How do you deal with stress?” I exercise and meditate. I try to get the right amount of sleep, I try to not eat too late, and I avoid caffeine after noon. I’m not always successful, but I find that when I adhere to my goals that I’m a better person. On RAGBRAI - we emphasized to the ISH Team to hydrate, get enough sleep and practice safe riding. We encouraged people to sag (ask for a ride back) when they were too tired or worn out.
How would this look in life? I always tell people (a lot of parents, clinicians, leaders) if you aren’t healthy and at your best, how can you expect those that depend on you to be at their best? Behaviors have a way of trickling downhill. Taking care of ourselves is a basic responsibility. When riding a bike, or driving a car or even walking* -- we need to do it right and not just for our own safety but for those around us.
In these eventful times - be careful. Take care of yourself - exercise, meditate, eat right, get enough sleep, and when necessary … sag.
*Don’t run at a swimming pool … with scissors. Never a good idea.