Iowa Specialty Hospital

Rosenbaum Named One of the 100 Great Iowa Nurses for 2016

June 2, 2016

Rosenbaum receives award.Linda Rosenbaum, RN and Nursing Leader at Iowa Specialty Hospital in Clarion, has been named one of the 100 Great Iowa Nurses for 2016. 

Rosenbaum has been employed with Iowa Specialty Hospital since July of 2008. She spoke about being overwhelmed by the honor: “I was truly surprised when I received word of this recognition.  I love my job and caring for my patients.  As a nurse, you only want to serve your patients well and see their best outcomes.  I am humbled and honored to be named among the 100 Great Iowa Nurses of 2016.”

Nurses selected for this honor are nominated by their peers and leaders, and these nominations are sent to a panel of reviewers who are all past honorees from around the state. Reviewers look for very specific examples of qualities that demonstrate efforts beyond those expected of normal duties such as concern of humanity, contributions to the nursing profession, and leadership and mentoring roles. The nominated nurses represent all sectors of health care, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, and school and office nurses.

“I’m very proud of Linda,” said Lisa Weatherwax, Chief Nursing Officer at Iowa Specialty Hospital. “Not only is she a great leader, but she is truly a wonderful nurse.  Whether in the ER or working the inpatient wing, her ultimate goal is always the well-being of our patients.  She demonstrates that daily through her leadership and direct patient care.”

Rosenbaum and the other 2016 award recipients were honored on May 1st, at the 12th annual celebration of Iowa’s Great Nurses in Des Moines. 

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