Maternity Department Receives CuddleCot™ Donation
Our Maternity Department recently received the donation of a CuddleCot™ and Shnuggle™ Moses Basket. While many of the donations received for the maternity department go for improved care or comfort of mom or baby, this donation fulfills a different need.
The CuddleCot and Shnuggle Moses Basket provide parents and other family members time with a baby that is stillborn. Dealing with the death of a baby is clearly a difficult event, and parents should be given the option to spend time with their baby. With these two devices, the baby is kept cool which allows parents to spend precious moments with the child.
“We truly appreciate this donation,” shared Casey Howell, OB Leader. “While we hope to never have the need, unfortunately in healthcare, that’s just not the case. When a stillborn birth does happen, the greatest gift the family can receive is time with their baby. With the CuddleCot, a family can have time to bond with their baby and begin the grieving process in private.”
The donor, who has asked to remain anonymous, had recently learned about the CuddleCot and decided to reach out to the hospital’s foundation to see if there was a need.
“Our Foundation always appreciates donor support of any kind,” said Duane Asbe, Foundation Planned Giving Officer. “Their generosity helps enhance the services we provide at Iowa Specialty Hospital to best serve our patients in times of need.”