Iowa Specialty Hospital

Iowa Specialty Hospital Recognized for Zero Inpatients with VTE

January 8, 2018

With different measures and reporting systems in place, Iowa Specialty Hospital has been named among the Top 10 facilities by COMPASS Hospital Improvement Innovation Network for having zero inpatients with venous thromboembolism for the last quarter of 2017. 

Venous Thrombolism (VTE) refers to a condition in which unwanted blood clots form in the body.  These clots include both Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolisms (PE).  Together DVTs and PEs constitute the largest cause of preventable hospital deaths.  Together they affect an estimated 300,000- 600,000 people per year and directly cause more than 100,000 deaths each year.

“Our continued success is a multi-team approach including physicians, pharmacy, nursing , therapies, informatics, along with many others across our system,” shared Christina Peterson, Infection Control Leader.

The measure that Iowa Specialty Hospital reports to Iowa Healthcare Collaborative monthly looks at how many of its patients stay longer than two days and out of those patients how many of them have received appropriate prophylaxis or have documentation as to why VTE prophylaxis was not given. This information comes from self-reporting by Iowa Specialty Hospital, as well as claims data.

Practices in place at Iowa Specialty Hospital include VTE risk assessment which is done on admission by the provider.  Risk is also reassessed when the clinical situation changes.  Guidelines directed VTE Prophylaxis Selection includes following best practices for appropriate prophylaxis when needed and providing medications such as anticoagulants or heparin products.  Also nursing assessments and early interventions such as ambulation and compression stockings help prevent VTEs.  

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