Iowa Specialty Hospital

Iowa Specialty Hospital – Clarion Receives 5 Star Rating from CMS

April 20, 2015

Iowa Specialty Hospital – Clarion was recently notified of its 5 Star Rating from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), placing the Clarion facility in the top 7 percent in the nation based on HCAHPS inpatient surveys. 

To calculate the HCAHPS star ratings, HCAHPS survey information from one hospital is compared to that from other hospitals. More stars indicate better quality care. These results are reported through Hospital Compare. These ratings can help a patient make decisions about where to receive health care and encourages hospitals to improve the quality of care they provide to patients.  HCAHPS star ratings allow consumers to more easily compare hospitals based on quality of care.

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) is a national survey that asks patients about their experiences during a recent hospital stay. These results compare hospitals based on important hospital quality topics.

Hospital Compare was created through the efforts of CMS in collaboration with organizations representing consumers, hospitals, doctors, employers, accrediting organizations, and other Federal agencies.

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