Iowa Specialty Hospital-Belmond Receives Five Star Rating As A Top Hospital In Iowa For Drug Communication
Iowa Specialty Hospital-Belmond recently received a five-star rating as a top hospital in Iowa for drug communications by Becker’s Hospital Review.
Iowa Specialty Hospital-Belmond was among eight hospitals in Iowa chosen for this recognition.
196 hospitals were ranked as the best in the nation for their drug communications, according to CMS' Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems data.
CMS shares 10 HCAHPS star ratings based on measures such as care transitions, nurse communication and cleanliness. Every hospital on the list received a five-star summary rating, the highest a facility can achieve.
The rating is based on patient surveys between October 2021 and September 2022, and the data was released July 26.
To view the complete list, visit Becker’s Hospital Review’s website at