Iowa Specialty Hospital

Belmond Ranked #1 in HCAHPS

March 12, 2019

Iowa Specialty Hospital – Belmond recently learned that it is number one for HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems).

HCAHPS is a patient satisfaction survey required by CMS (the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) for all hospitals in the United States.  Surveys are for adult inpatients, and they are important for several reasons: providing the voice of the patient, public reporting for consumer knowledge, and keeping hospitals financially strong.  

Patient surveys ask about staff communication and responsiveness, hospital environment, pain management, and discharge information among other patient experiences during their hospital stay.  The rating scale options for such questions include never, sometimes, usually, and always.  To achieve a number one ranking, Iowa Specialty Hospital had to receive Always scores in all areas on their patient surveys.

“Our staff is amazing and consistently works to meet and exceed patients’ needs. We are honored that our patients feel that we make a difference in the care we provide them. We continue to strive to improve with an on-going commitment and dedication to our patients,” shared Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO.

Iowa Specialty Hospital – Belmond was ranked number one out of 62 Iowa hospitals and 3,556 national hospitals according to HCAHPS. 

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