Iowa Specialty Hospital

Reflections from Amy

February 5, 2015

The further you go in life, the more you realize what you're going to leave this Earth. It's not going to be, ‘It was a great platform. It was great to win the Super Bowl,’ but really and truly what you're going to leave on this Earth is the influence on others. ~ Joe Gibbs

I have been working with Shaila on what classes she is planning on taking next year as she will be a freshman in high school. She has been challenging me with a strong argument of why she should not participate in band while I have been equally committed to her continuing with these extracurricular activities. We had a heated discussion last night on the topic, and as the discussion went on, she became frustrated and stopped talking. Her father encouraged her to continue to explain her side. He shared that if it meant that much to her that she should stand up for what she believes in by continuing to make her point. She had valid reasons, and we discussed what other skills she should develop to help round out her education. Although a part of me wanted to tell Rick to zip it, I was glad to see him role model how to have a difficult conversation for her. Hopefully these situations will help her continue to grow into an independent, well-rounded person.

We must always be aware of the example we set for others. It is important to remember that we are role models, and we will leave more of a mark on this earth by the example we set in the little things we do than in any one great accomplishment. This is one of the many reasons that I love working for this system. Collectively, as a team, we get “it” and we are transforming the delivery of healthcare. We are committed to making it the best for our patients and families. Steve has been presenting the Standards of Behavior at the QEMs and he does a great job of explaining why they are so important. It is bigger than just a set of things to do; it is our core, our values, and what we aspire to be. Take pride in your work and role model what you want to see, and we will accomplish amazing things!  

When it comes to developing character strength, inner security and unique personal and interpersonal talents and skills in a child, no institution can or ever will compare with, or effectively substitute for, the home's potential for positive influence.  ~ Stephen Covey

-Amy McDaniel, Belmond CEO

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