Iowa Specialty Hospital

Greg's Greetings

October 5, 2020

We are officially into the season of fall.  Fall is often the favorite season for many.  However, for others, this is a sign that winter is coming and thus a season you would rather skip.  Like most things it is all in how you frame things.  For example:

  1. Some dislike fall because there is less sunlight and the temperatures are colder.  On the other hand, these cooler temperatures allow you to open your windows and save on air conditioning costs.
  2. Some dislike fall (like myself) because the trees shed leaves onto your manicured lawn.  On the other hand, before the leaves fall, they change colors from green to red, orange, yellow or brown offering some of the most beautiful scenery for everyone to enjoy.
  3. Some dislike fall because that may mean you have to go back to school.  On the other hand, fall is a time to support and cheer on your local football team.
  4. Some dislike fall because that means the summer family vacation has ended.  On the other hand, fall is a time for roasting hot dogs and s’mores over an open fire with family and friends.
  5. Some dislike fall because the swimming pool is closed for the season.  On the other hand, fall is a time to go to an apple orchard or pumpkin patch for the day.
  6. Some dislike fall because your garden full of fresh vegetables is no longer thriving.  On the other hand, fall is about delicious apple crisp and pumpkin pie.

Much like the changing of seasons, life is about having the right frame of mind and choosing your attitude.  You might not think about it, but you make the choice as soon as you get up how you’ll embrace the day.  It’s all in the attitude you decide to adopt.  That’s right, you choose your attitude.  It doesn’t choose you.

The truth is that everyone must navigate difficult times, pick themselves up and tackle challenges head-on.  You can allow yourself to feel defeated before you begin, or make the decision to proceed with hope and give whatever the task, project or situation you must grapple with your best efforts.

There is a saying that goes, “A bad attitude is like a flat tire.  If you don’t change it, you’ll never go anywhere.”  Let’s make sure all of our tires are fully inflated.  Then, nothing can stop us from getting to where we need to be.

Until next time……

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