Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

May 25, 2017

“Let me encourage you to get up every day and focus on what you do have in life. Be thankful for the blessings of the little things, even when you don't get what you expect.” - Victoria Osteen

As we come to the end of another school year and prepare for the summer fun activities, I think it is a great time to take a look back and be thankful for all of the great things that happened this last school year. We had a lot of ups and downs with the kids this past year from homework to making new friends to remembering to wear a shirt to school. (Yes, this actually happened with one of the boys.) Through it all I am thankful and count myself blessed to have had the opportunities to experience these moments with my kids. Sometimes we have to pause and reflect because we clearly aren’t enjoying all of the moments in the moments. Sometimes we get so busy shuffling from one activity or event to another that we forget the pause.

This is true in our work life as well. We get so caught up in getting our work done, or on what so and so said, that we forget to see the bigger picture and the impact we are making. This past week I had three different members of my family in the emergency room and had three different care teams. I can tell you that it was amazing!! You are all difference makers! The care we received was outstanding each and every time, and it was because you truly cared. I am thankful for all three of those teams and the difference they made to our family. This week, take a moment to pause and think of at least three things that left you feeling thankful or blessed. I have been told this is an excellent habit to adopt and something that I will be working on.  

“It's never too late. Don't focus on what was taken away. Find something to replace it, and acknowledge the blessing you have.” - Drew Barrymore


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