Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

February 8, 2018

“Take responsibility of your own happiness, never put it in other people’s hands.” ~ Roy T. Bennett

We have been working on responsibility and organization at our house lately. Maleigha's mid-term report card came home and her teacher shared that she had opportunity in responsibility. She is apparently not very consistent in turning in her homework timely. We had a discussion about this behavior and reiterated the expectations in our family to be responsible for her homework. I shared that she needed to work harder at this and complete her assignments, or she would lose her phone indefinitely. Needless to say, she has been diligent about getting her homework done. I feel like these are life lessons and hopefully will serve them well later in life when they have a million things going on at once and have to prioritize what to do first. 

Speaking of having a million things to do, it is a very busy time in our household. With many different activities going on each night it can be a challenge to keep everything straight. So in an effort to organize our world, I have sent meeting requests to Rick and Shaila so they are aware of everyone's schedules. After some discussion, Rick suggested that we send the meeting requests to the other kids as they have phones with calendars as well. The reminders are set for 30 minutes before the activity and they know that they are responsible to be ready at the appointed time. I must say that it seems to be working well and helps me feel calmer and more organized.

With the cold weather and the busy schedules it is important to remember the amazing things that are happening around us on any given day. We should take advantage of this month of "love" and show some appreciation for those that inspire or motivate you. Let them know the difference they make in your life, and they ways that they have helped shape you into who you are today. So this month I challenge you to make a phone call, write a letter or send an email and let someone know the difference they have made in your life. 

"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness." ~ Dalai Lama

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