Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

November 11, 2019

I survived the final college transition with Shaila this month where she no longer needs to talk to me every day. It was a rough transition for this momma, but I am super happy that she is settled in college and enjoying her friends. She came home for the weekend after blowing me off for most of the week and we had a great conversation about transition. I shared that one of the greatest gifts I could give her is to teach her to put herself in other’s shoes to see their perspective. I shared that I did it myself in looking at this transition and I could clearly see that she is happy and has found a wonderful group of friends so she doesn’t need that support as frequently. Then we talked through what it felt like in my shoes and how lack of communication can be hurtful.  In the end we compromised and agreed to talk on Wednesdays as a touch base. This parenting thing is really hard! 

One of the greatest gifts that we give our patients on a daily basis is empathy for what they are going through. Essentially in healthcare you are masters at putting yourselves in other’s shoes and providing care and support during the most difficult of times. However, we still a great opportunity to practice this skill when it comes to our co-workers, leaders and peers. We should start every day with the mindset that we are all here for the right reasons; to take excellent care of our patients. If we can continue to look at issues and frustrations from each other’s points of view it really makes the solutions clear and saves a lot of time. So, my challenge to you this next week is to try to look at one problem or frustration from a different view point. You may be surprised to find the solution is right in front of you.

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