Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

October 28, 2019

Our family has definitely been supporting the ISH system this last month. Three of my four kids ended up with concussions for various reasons. I think we have the protocols for concussions down now. The concussions started with Jacob being blindsided in a football game. It took him a couple of weeks but he seems to be doing really well now. My second concussion winner was Shaila when a flyer fell on her head in cheerleading practice. Her coach managed to capture that one on video. She was good to go after about a week.  The day that Shaila and Jacob were cleared for their concussions is the same day that I came home to Maleigha telling me she bonked heads with someone on a trampoline playing a game of football. It took her quite a while to recover but she is finally back to school. Concussions can be very scary and the long term effects can be devastating. Hopefully we steer clear of more concussions for a long time.

We were so blessed to host the Empower Iowa Task Force this past month. We were able to show them some of the creative ways we are using telehealth to meet our patient needs. We highlighted the process that we use with the school acute clinics, the tele-psychiatry in the emergency room and the connection to Eagle Telemedicine for our inpatients. Collectively they were very impressed with how well these programs work and the impact that they can make across our patient base. Hopefully this will spur some legislative changes to make telemedicine more supported in the healthcare arena.

We also hosted the University of Iowa Perinatal team this past month. They had wonderful things to say about our teams and the care we are providing to our OB patients.

I am so proud to be a part of this organization. It is truly amazing to be a part of a system that is constantly working on improving the care we provide our patients. Thank you for the difference you make everyday!

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