Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

June 8, 2020

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the sunshine and warmer temperatures this past week. We were planning on taking a family vacation to Maine this week but like everyone else, we had to make adjustments to our plan. Rick decided to go ahead and take the time off and enjoy some quality time with the kids. They enjoyed having him home and went boating, shooting and spent time together. It has been so nice to have a chance to just slow down and enjoy this time together.  Life is all about perspective.  We could have spent this week being angry and upset because we didn’t get to go to Maine or we could choose to embrace this time together and make the most of it. Just because it isn’t what we had pictured doesn’t mean it can’t be incredible.

There is so much chaos going on right now that it is difficult to keep our perspective. It would be nice if we could extend each other a little more grace and kindness during this stressful time. Hopefully you will all watch the mental health video series that will be released weekly. I am so thankful for our team and the great tips and advice they give on how to stay calm and reduce your anxiety during this time. I read something recently about how we are all in the same storm but we are most definitely not in the same boat. I love this reference because each one of us is impacted differently and how we respond is different. However, one thing we could all benefit from is more kindness to one another.  So, my challenge this week for you is to lend a helping hand where you can and help your fellow co-workers during this stressful time. If you need help, then ask for that helping hand and know that we are here for you.

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