Iowa Specialty Hospital

Amy's Reflections

February 3, 2020

I am taking Maleigha to get pointe shoes on Saturday. It is a pretty big day at our house as she has been relentless about taking pointe classes and convinced her dance teacher to offer pre-pointe this year so they can start learning the basic technique. Needless to say, she is very excited and we talk about it every day.  Often choreography and sports are slightly more challenging for Maleigha due to being dyslexic. We could look at dyslexia as a barrier but we choose to embrace it for the gift it is and maximize the strengths. All four of our kids are dyslexic and I have to say they are some of the most creative problem solvers out there. This gift will serve them well later in life and has helped them develop great skills in advocating for what they want or need. This skill is exactly why we are have a pre-pointe class and will be going to buy pointe shoes, if you really want something than pursue it relentlessly.

This is our way at Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics. When other organizations or leaders say we can’t possibly do something or accomplish something we are just that much more relentless in our pursuit of that goal. You can’t have a full orthopedic program in a rural hospital….really, watch us. You can’t deliver more than 80 babies a year…..really watch us. Patients are not going to drive to Belmond for bariatric surgery….really watch us. There is absolutely nothing we can’t achieve when we are all working on the same goal and in the same direction. I counting my blessings daily and among those blessings are working with incredibly dedicated individuals that care about the patients we serve.  So, my challenge to you this week is to share your best and brightest ideas. If you are passionate about implementing something in our system that will positively impact our patients than be relentless in getting it implemented.  Share your wisdom and knowledge and watch us continue to succeed and grow.

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